As we thought about the design of our company, we wanted simplicity in the name. Yet, we wanted to relay to our clients the heart of who we are as a staff, the principles and integrity we stand for, our philosophy of business, and the way we want to present our company to our clients. MKDS was then born and is now ready to serve!
MKDS stands for....
M-Mission Focused
K- Knowledgeable Staff
D-Dedicated Efficiency
S-Service in Humilty
We will be Mission focused on every assignment, as our Knowledgeable staff approaches each project with a Dedicated efficiency, that will provide excellent Service in the true humility and support of our fellow countrymen in their great time of need.
At MKDS Storm Logistics, we are more than just a response of services needed in a time of unexpected disaster in your community. We are a dedicated partner who will form the strategic alliance you need to ensure an immediate response to the crisis or unexplained life event that has impacted you, your family, business, community, and/or State. We will not only assist with the immediate response necessary to begin reclaiming what the storms in life have taken away; we will help you restart establishing the future you deserve.